Sunday, October 20, 2013

#4: Two clips from Randall's Cyber Listening Lab

                                                                          Party Time

  • good to see you could make it : happy to see you could come
    - It's really good to see you could make it.
  • full swing (idiom): at its high point
    - The party really got into full swing around midnight.
  • eat someone out of house and home (idiom): they're eating all of my food
    - My teenagers have huge appetites and are eating me out of house and home.
  • hit it off (idiom): get along well
    - My roommate and I hit it off from the very first day we moved in.
  • outgoing (adjective): very friendly and sociable
    - He is very outgoing and always makes newcomers feel comfortable at a party.
  • adventurous (adjective): willingness to try new things
    - If I were more adventurous, I think I would try mountain climbing.
  • flashy (adjective): brightly colored or unusually decorated beyond normal standards
    - She tends to wear flashy ski wear during the winter season.

                                                              Baking Cookies
                                                                  Dad's Cooking Show

  • endure (verb): keep doing something unpleasant or difficult
    - I can't endure my roommate's cooking for another day. It's terrible!
  • switch (verb): change
    - Can we switch recipes for tonight's dinner? I'd rather have chicken instead of fish.
  • entire (adjective): complete or whole
    - My daughter prepared the entire meal for the family.
  • ingredients (noun): materials for cooking
    - These are great cookies. What ingredients do you use to make them?
  • pinch (noun): a small amount
    - The chicken might taste better if you add a pinch of salt and pepper.
  • preheat (verb): heat an oven or stove before you start cooking something
    - First, you should preheat the oven to 325 degrees before you start preparing the meal.
  • batch (noun): a group of similar things, used also with baking cookies
    - I don't think two batches of cookies will be enough to feed all of the guests at the party.

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